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Alport Media28 Feb - 17:39
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Club captain Alex Hughes to take indefinite break from football

Whitchurch Alport can tonight confirm that Club Captain and Alport legend Alex Hughes has announced that he will be taking a break from football with immediate effect. A local lad, who wore his heart on his sleeve, Alex will go down as one of the all time Alport greats, making 244 appearances and scoring 111 goals, a feat that will probably never be surpassed.

Alex joined the club in the 2015/16 season, so has had an infinity with his home town team for nearly 9 years, something rarely seen in the modern day of football, and is loved by supporters old and young. There’s too many memories for us to put down in one post, and I’m sure anyone reading this will have their own favourite Hughesy moment, but not many can say they’ve scored and played in goal in the FA Cup in the same game, scored FA cup goals, hat tricks in both the FA Cup & FA Vase, scoring our first ever goal at step 5 and making the Midland League team of the year and League leading scorer and certainly not forgetting the FA Vase game away at Coventry Sphinx that will forever go down in our history books, with Alex scoring the all important winning penalty, and subsequent emotions by the lads and the supporters on the day.

Off the field Hughesy took part in the charity bike ride in honour of Aaron Millington alongside Jim and former gaffer Luke Goddard.

Gaffer Adam Shillcock had this to say about Hughesy;

“One thing you realise as manager and have to accept is that players come and go the further you go up the pyramid. It’s always difficult to accept and the thing which weighs us down the most.
Some players however come and never go… they etch themselves into the clubs fabric, leaving long lasting memories and creating their legacy of stature . Hughesy will forever be in the hearts and minds of modern day Alport . A legend who has scored over 100 goals for his hometown team. I’ve been lucky to share a lot of those experiences with him and he was first person I called upon to be my captain and helped considerably for which I’ll be forever grateful. I’ll miss him and wish him the very best as he embarks on the stage of his life whether that be with or without football,

I know he won’t be short of offers if decides to go back in. He has so much to offer the game still and is in absoloutely tip top condition. A consummate professional dedicated to his sport.

Thank you skip. You will always be Alport”

I don’t think anything I write will do Alex justice, in terms of his achievements and impact on those around him both on and off the pitch at the Alport, so thank you Alex for everything, and good luck for what the future holds for you.

Further reading